Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Message From Gig Harbor Police Chief Mike Davis

When I heard the dispatcher call Pierce County Sheriff's Deputy Kent Mundell's personnel number out of service last night at 5:04 p.m., I experienced an all too familiar sensation of shock and sadness. I stopped in my tracks - how could this happen again?
For a moment in time my concerns for getting work done, solving problems, pushing for deadlines seemed so meaningless. Infinitely more important than such routine matters, is dealing with the loss of one who was like a family member to those of us that work in public safety. At such times I am at a loss for words to express the immense value of Kent's life, one who served with such a a capable hand and courageous heart. Kent's passing will leave a void that we cannot fill by ourselves, we will need help.
On behalf of my department and community, I want Sheriff Paul Pastor, the Pierce County Sheriff's Department and Kent's family to know we will cherish his memory. His bravery and sacrifice will serve as a lasting legacy for those of us left behind - tasked with keeping anarchy from overcoming the order we have become so accustomed to in this country.
Pause with me now and, in your own way, reflect on what traits we need to emulate as a community as we contemplate what tasks remain for us to accomplish to ensure Kent's death was not in vain. We want his family to know that we will miss him. Our hearts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time.
Mike Davis
Chief of Police
Gig Harbor Police Department

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