There is lots of talk now about the Census. But also lots of confusion. What is it and why is it important to our community?
The first census took place in 1790 to determine the number of seats each state would have in the U.S. House of Representatives. The census also was created to gain a better understanding of where people lived and to establish patterns of settlement as the nation grew.
Today, in addition to administering the census of population and housing the Census Bureau conducts more than 200 annual surveys including the American Community Survey, the Current Population Survey and economic censuses every five years.
A Census Snapshot
What: The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States
Who: All US residents must be counted - both citizens and non citizens
When: You will receive your questionnaire in March either by US mail or hand delivery. Some people in remote areas will be counted in person
Why: The US Constitution requires a national census once every 10 years to count the population and determine the number of seats each state will have i the US House of Representatives.
How: Households should complete and mail back their questionnaires upon receipt. Households that do not respond may receive a replacement questionnaire in early April. Census takers will visit households that do not return questionnaires to take a count in person.
Did you know;
It's Easy - 10 questions take 10 minutes to answer
It's Safe - The Census information is 100% confidential is not shared, even with out US Departments. You do not need to fear giving accurate information even if you are an undocumented resident, have issues with the law or the IRS. The information is protected.
It's Important - For every person who is not counted in our community, local jurisdictions loose $1400 per year for the next 10 years in federal support.
Read more about the Census at www.2010census.gov
Be Counted!
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