Gig Harbor is an awesome place for volunteers. Everyone you meet is a volunteer in some capacity, each individual finding a place to give some time and energy that focuses on something they are passionate about.
April is the time of month to stop and say thanks to those who give back with time. Time is such a valuable commodity. Worth its weight in gold, as they say. So THANK YOU Gig Harbor for all you do.
The City of Gig Harbor thanks their volunteers annually with a small but non-the-less sincere reception and awards ceremony. This year the event takes place on April 19th at 5:30-6:30pm at the Gig Harbor Civic Center. Dozens of citizens volunteer for the city in capacities such as parks commission, design review board, visitor information center volunteer and police department reserve. Each year the Mayor announces the annual Carol Gorman Memorial Volunteer of the Year award to one outstanding city volunteer, as well as the Gig Harbor Visitor Information Center Volunteer of the Year and several police department awards.
If you are not volunteering in your community, we can help connect you to a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available. Here is a link that will take you direct to a page on our website that lists local volunteer activities.
In addition several local groups we work with are recruiting now for upcoming event volunteers;
Are you interested in helping the the 2010 Maritime Gig Festival June 5&6? Volunteers are needed to assist with the Grande Parade, Kitsap Credit Union Main Stage, Children's Fair, Fun Run and more. Contact the Gig Harbor Peninsula Area Chamber of Commerce to learn more at (253) 851-6865
Are you interested in history and the new Harbor History Museum? The museum is looking for volunteers to assist with their annual Basket Social Auction, the new and coming up in August Gig Harbor Food and Wine Festival and many other areas including programming for the new museum. Call (253) 858-6722
Are you interested in helping answer questions about our community? The Gig Harbor Visitor Information Center, located at 3125 Judson Street is open six days a week and needs lots of volunteers to greet guests and help them have an exceptional experience in Gig Harbor. (253) 857-4842
Are you interested in preserving the economic vitality of historic downtown Gig Harbor? The Gig Harbor Historic Waterfront Association is now the lead organization on the creation and maintenance of the beautiful summer flower baskets and planters and they need lots of volunteers to assist with that program. In addition they are currently planning Chalk the Walk for July 17th and volunteer are needed for that. (253) 514-0071
The Gig Harbor Film Festival is coming up in October, and is fast becoming one of the "signature" events for our community. Volunteers are desperately needed for all aspects of the festival. It's a great event, find out more at (253)851-1619 or http://www.gigharborfilmfestival.org/listpage.asp?Category=Get~Involved&Category2=Volunteer&Cat=Category
There are dozens of other fabulous volunteer opportunities in Gig Harbor including the FISH Food Bank, CoalitionHumane, PenMet Parks all of the service organizations, Peninsula Schools Foundation and many, many more. Check out the link
http://www.gigharborguide.com/files/library/4826b39ce78f25e0.pdf for more ideas.
And thanks Gig Harbor, for giving your time!
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