It is hard to comprehend the tremendous loss our close knit law enforcement family experienced on Sunday with the senseless murder of four of our comrades. It causes us all to reflect on how truly vulnerable we are when we suit up for duty each day. This is a challenging time for law enforcement in America; I only hope it is not the start of a terrible trend.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the members of the Lakewood Police and the families of our four friends. I assure you the courageous and brave individuals who have chosen this profession and the families that support them will survive this very tragic event and become even stronger...to do otherwise would render this great loss in vain.
As a community, I think this event should reinforce our resolve to support the men and women who have dedicated themselves to protect others. Every law enforcement officer faces not only their own daily family responsibilities we all encounter, but also the duty to protect the families of others. And these tasks are all done before self.
As a department we sent two officers to the scene immediately after the call for help came out on Sunday. We will continue to support the Lakewood Police Department with whatever they need to insure the person responsible for this travesty is brought to justice. I appreciate the outpouring of support toward our own officers as we feel the same grief as our peers and I hope that the public at large understands the magnitude of the inherent dangers we face daily.
Peace be with the law enforcement officers taken from us on Sunday. And may an even greater peace come to the families of these brave officers who can say that the sacrifice of their loved ones have made a positive difference in our world.
Local Gig Harbor area citizens are organizing a Candlelight Vigil for Friday December 4th at 7pm at Chapel Hill Church, 7700 Skansie Avenue in Gig Harbor. The public is invited. For additional information contact Vicki Hoefer at (253) 857-0555
DONATIONS FOR THE FAMILIES http://www.policeone.com/police-heroes/articles/1971152-Information-from-the-Lakewood-Police-Independent-Guild-Charitable-Fund/
Chief - thanks for your thoughtful comments. This incident is so sad and tragic, and it reminds me of the high risks and dangerous situations police officers frequently encounter. Generally speaking, we as as a society don't appreciate our law enforcement nearly enough, and perhaps this horrific incident will serve as a poignant reminder of what our police officers put on the line every day. -Rob K.