My kids grew up with Jean Shepard's 1980's movie A CHRISTMAS STORY. More than any other holiday classic, that is the one that resonated with my family. My kids are grown now, but still today you often hear remarks around our house that reference lines from that film. Our favorite "Randy lay there like a slug", surpasses "fra-gi-le" but only by a smidgen. And we also love to make a "triple dog dare" or surprise someone with "a major award". In fact, if you visit my office you will see right here in my office, A CHRISTMAS STORY leg lamp, my own personal "major award".
If you have no idea what-so-ever what I'm talking about, then you have never seen the movie "A Christmas Story", a hilarious narrative on the life of a 10year old boy in post-war middle America who wants a special gift for Christmas. This story has now been made into a play and Gig Harbor's Paradise Theatre brings it to life on their newly remodeled stage. Vicki Richards of Paradise tells me that when they heard this story was being made into a play, they knew right away that they had to do it.
Ralphie Parker, desires one thing for Christmas, a Red Ryder Carbine Action 200 Shot Range Model Air Rifle with a Compass. And Ralphie will do almost anything for it...and along the way the mishaps and antics of his friends, brother, mother, father and many other memorable characters make this a classic for the entire family. There's even a "deranged Easter Bunny" - what does that have to do with Christmas? You'll have to see the show to find out.
Join Paradise Theatre this holiday for the special family treat. The show opens on Friday November 27th and runs through December 13th. The December 4th show is already sold out, so get your tickets now by visiting http://www.paradisetheatre.org/.
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