Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Get Ready for Winter Gig Harbor

I left on vacation September 24th and it was still summer in Gig Harbor. I returned on October 12th and it was winter....I seemed to have missed fall all together in my three week absence.

So, a quick adjustment was in order, both for my body and my garden!

Winter brings a variety of projects, including preparing for snow or windstorms and power outages.

Given the wide variety of tiny eco-systems in the Gig Harbor area, each resident and business needs to plan separately. When we have snow, I am always amazed when I drive from my home on Wollochet Bay to my office on Judson Street. The elevation changes in that stretch of road are surprising, and the road conditions can vary greatly.

Planning ahead for your family, your business, and your commute based on your individual situation will make life a little easier during these stressful weather events. So, do you have a plan? If not do it now...it's November already and not too early for wind and snow!

The City of Gig Harbor has the following tips to help keep local residents and businesses safe during storms and inclement weather. Prepare, prepare, prepare!

  1. Develop a plan for your business and contact your local fire and police with any questions you might have, BEFORE an emergency.

  2. Make sure your employees and or your family are familiar with the plan.

  3. Keep an updated hard copy contact list of important phone numbers at your office and at your home (not just on your computer).

  4. Keep a battery operated radio and flash light with fresh batteries at your office and your home.

  5. Be sure to have a first aid kit, water and non-perishable food at your home and office.

  6. Know where gas, water and electricity shut off points are.

  7. Don't drive unless you absolutely must. Snow removal is quicker and safer with fewer cars on the road.

  8. Clean your own sidewalk - this goes for business and residents too. Sidewalks are the responsibility of the property owner. If you lease your business space, be sure to have a plan in place with the property owner.

That last one causes confusion each time we have snow or ice. The City of Gig Harbor crews will be very busy in a weather emergency making sure roads are safe and keeping water, sewer and power operating. Cleaning sidewalks falls to the responsibility of property owners. The Gig Harbor Historic Waterfront Association is looking for contacts of local people who have small tractors or good solid backs who would be willing to assist in the historic downtown area with snow removal. If you want to join the snow brigade contact Mary DesMarais at (253) 514-0071.

For all the information on Emergency Prepardness contact City of Gig Harbor Building/Fire Safety Department at (253) 851-6170.

Be safe Gig Harbor!

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