Whether you are ready or not, spring is around the corner and gardening gurus are already digging, pruning, shaping and watching as buds, birds, bulbs and bees debut their 2010 ballet. Such an inspirational time of year!
Gig Harbor is a gardeners paradise; full of gardens and gardeners alike. There is also a real sense of community when it comes to gardening in this area, and so many gardeners are turning now to water wise gardening and sustainable gardening.
To keep this new gardening interest going, several local classes are in the works. Check out this list;
1. Since the City of Gig Harbor is creating a new RAIN GARDEN at the Gig Harbor Visitor Information Center I am now learning a lot more about Rain Gardens and how they are the key to managing stormwater and protecting Puget Sound. The city project is a partnership with the city and Pierce County Stream Team, and stewardshippartners.org. A Rain Garden is a shallow depression in a yard planted with a variety of flowers, shrubs and grasses that 'don't mind getting their feet wet." You can learn how rain gardens help soak up rainwater from downspouts, driveways and sidewalks while protecting our local waterways at a free Rain Garden Workshop on Tuesday April 20th 6-8PM. Registration is required so contact streamteam@piercecountycd.org or (253) 845-2973.
2. The City of Gig Harbor and Tacoma Pierce County Health Department are presenting a fun, free and informative NATURAL YARD CARE workshop series. Learn how to design and maintain a beautiful landscape the Natural Yard Care way! These workshops will address a variety of yard maintenance issues. Space is limited so you must reserve. Here are the classes being offered;
Tuesday April 13th "Right Plant, Right Place" Garden Design Smart Landscape Watering
Tuesday April 21st Building Healthy Soil, Backyard Composting
Tuesday April 27th Natural Lawn Care, Garden Pest Management
All classes will be held at Gig Harbor Civic Center, 3510 Grandview Street from 6:30-8:30pm. SPACE IS LIMITED. To reserve call (253) 798-4587 or grinehart@tpchd.org
3. Gig Harbor's Community Garden is back this year at Wilkinson Farm and it's bigger and better than ever. Managed by the non-profit group Healthy Communities of Pierce County, this effort offers both plots for locals and a demonstration garden with produce being donated to the food bank. Applications are now being taken for plots. Volunteers and supplies are needed as well. Want to get involved and learn about healthy gardening and eating as well as exercise and give back to your community? Contact Barb Carr at (253)228-0538 or ghcommunitygardens@gmail.com
4. Adopt-a-Planter Program helps keep historic Gig Harbor green. The Gig Harbor Historic Waterfront Association is once again working with the city of Gig Harbor on the downtown planters and hanging basket program. The program will create 87 hanging baskets and 20 planter boxes that will line Harborview and North Harborview. Volunteers will work with the city on design of baskets and planters and will plant and maintain them through out the summer. Currently cash donations are needed to help fund the program. The GHHWA is looking for the following assistance;
Adopt your own hanging basket or planter $75
Green Thumb $50
Green Acres $100
Green Gardener $200
Sign up to volunteer on the watering crew
Contact Mary DesMarais with the Gig Harbor Historic Waterfront Association to learn more at (253) 514-0071 info@ghhwa.org
5. The Gig Harbor Farmers Market is back, opening Saturday April 3rd at their new permanent location at the Kimball Park and Ride. We love the market! Watch for the Wednesday Green Market returning to Skansie Brothers Park in June. Learn more at www.gigharborfarmersmarket.org
6. May 15th Plant Sale at Donkey Creek Park, sponsored by 8 local garden clubs and benefiting the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs. This first time event will include plants and yard art. Learn more by calling (253) 569-1381.
7. And it's not to early to mark your calendar for the Gig Harbor Garden Tour June 26th and 27th.
Learn more about all these events on our website calendar at www.gigharborguide.com
Get Gardening Gig Harbor!
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