It's finally here! The long awaited map that is the companion to the walk markers laid last summer in Gig Harbor city sidewalks has arrived!. This beautiful new map lays out five separate walking/running routes within the harbor.
The brainchild of Dr. Pat Hogan, this project was a labor of love of Dr. Hogan, his wife Joan and the group "Healthy Communities of Pierce County". Dr. Hogan marked and laid out all the routes, researched and purchased the weather resistant product to use for the markers, and then worked with crews from the City of Gig Harbor to lay-down the markers around the harbor last summer.
In addition, the Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department came on board to help produce the companion map. A lot of effort went in to recruiting sponsors to help pay for the map. Stepping forward to help were MultiCare Gig Harbor Medical Park, Route 16 Running, Puget Sound Neurology, Achieve and the City of Gig Harbor.
The map provides information about the following;
RED ROUTE (3.0 miles) Starts and ends at the bus stop across from the Best Western Wesley Inn. It includes several hills.
GREEN ROUTE (4.0 miles) Starts and ends at the Old Ferry Landing and goes all along the historic waterfront
BLUE ROUTE (5.0 miles) "Uptown" this route starts at the Library on Point Fosdick and goes all the way downtown via Soundview and back up.
ORANGE ROUTE This route covers the trail in Grandview Forest Park which total 2.0 miles
PURPLE ROUTE (5.1) This loop is the new Cushman Trail route from Hunt Street (Park and Ride) to 96th NW and includes beautiful views of the harbor and several hills.
The Orange and Purple Routes do not have mile markers in the sidewalks.
Maps are available at the Gig Harbor Visitor Information Center located at 3125 Judson Street, Donkey Creek Park Visitor Kiosk, the City of Gig Harbor, Route 16 Running and several other locations around Gig Harbor. Pick yours up today and GET MOVING GIG HARBOR!
Even more reason to get healthy in 2010!